Our family loves Christmas! We truly love getting everyone together. We eat a lot of food. Play a lot of games and just enjoy each others company. Normally things slow down this time of year and we shift into a lower gear as we move into the Holiday Season...BUT this year the Real Estate Market is telling us that there is not time to slow down. Still booking a lot of showings, writing offers, and searching properties for people. It is great! We are truly thankful for all of our clients, family and friends that are in our lives.

As we move into this busy holiday season let's all remember that it is called Christmas....CHRISTmas!. We say "Merry Christmas"....because it reminds us what we are truly celebrating. The Birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Who grew up and then in an act of true and pure love died for our sins. We are all sinners and we have a chance to be re-born in Jesus. We all have that chance. The hard work was done...by Jesus. He suffered and died for our sins and transgressions....it has been done. We can be re-born in that knowledge. We just have to accept it.

from our house we are saying..."Thank you Jesus" and thank you GOD for sending your son to this earth! Merry Christmas!