On our website we have a tab called "Browse Listings".  When you bring your mouse over that tab a drop down menu will appear.  You can then choose the segment of the market that you are interested in.  If you would like us to set you up for instant notifications then we can do that.  You can even set that up for yourself.  Get the listings sent to your email within a couple of hours of the new listing hitting the MLS system.  Harness the power of the MLS using our easy to use pages here in this website.  
Information is powerful but only when put to use.  
We believe that we are here to help you as a consumer be totally informed about market conditions and property values so that you can make a great buying or selling decision.  That is our job.  We give you the tools so that we can work together seamlessly to get a great result for you.  
Buying a home is a big deal.  We do not take that assignment lightly.  We have super real estate knowledge of the Chilliwack Real Estate market and we have helped many clients make great decisions....
We are here to help...
Call or email or fill in one our contact forms and we will get back to you quickly...we look forward to meeting you soon.
Kelly and Nicole Johnston
Select Real Estate....
Knowledge - Choice - Results!