November 2016

Another Survey came back today!

Posted on Nov 16, 2016

We received a survey back and once again got all top marks from our clients!  Thank you Jody and Jim for taking the means so much to us.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you....
Here is what they said....
"The market may have been in our favor when we sold our home but we were thoroughly impressed with the efficiency, care and results in our havi...

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Welcome to Chilliwack

Posted on Nov 07, 2016

Ain't no "Crisis" here.....

  • by  Paul J. Henderson - Chilliwack Times
  •  posted Jun 24, 2015 at 4:00 PM
For anyone who doesn’t live in Vancouver, the relentless flow of news stories about high prices in the province’s largest city can be exhausting.The situation west of us has even led to a Twitter campaign with the hashtag #don’thave1million.So you can’t...

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